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The most known is backtrack versions(3 and 4) i will use backtrack4 another distributions wifiaway,wifislax.,everyone of them its specialase in auditoria of wireless network with a lot of programas like: airodump-wireles network scanner aircrack-its use to crack wep pass wireshark-internet traffic escanner It is a simple 3 examples of 3 programs from linux distributions you ask me how did this work how a hacker can use this to penetrate my wireless network: first one we need to download backtrack4 this is the link were you can download any backtrack you wish,try with live cd you can install backtrack into your sistem using a virual machine like VMWARE this is the oficial site of vmware you need to download wmware workstation 7 you can use 30 days this program afree if you will subscrib (its free)i will put a video on youtube about how to run backtrack4 in vmware its very simple to do this. The youtube movie its show you how can a hacker crack a wireless network(wep key). The second video its about how can you run backtrack4 in vmware its very simple


Once penetrade the network the hacker can use snnifing programs such as cain&abel, wireshark,to see the internet trafic into the network with the final goal to steal your passwords. For now i will present only this two programs: cain&abel-its a complex program how has a sniffing tool and a crack tool. The basic idea in the traffic interceptation is that the attacker is interposed between the router and pc atacked so that traffic passes to the attacker pc first and then go to the router,this is the basic idea.i will put an video on this program,one more thing-i use this program under windows. wireshark-its almoust the same tipe that the first one but in this you will need to process a huge cantitate of data.This one its cames with backtrack4 but also can you use under windows.


As you can see the tools hackers are diverse and complex as I illustrated above and is only a small part of the multitude of ways that we can be attacked, I think we should show more interest in everything around us and especially to new Wireless technology is the future because I believe that the transmission and receipt of data. How can we defend against these attacks, I have some advice: -If you have a wireless router and its has an wep key to have acces change it into an wpa key(choose a key that is not into the dictionary -phone number f.g) -check if at yor network are conected other pc that you know it If you connect through a public Internet network try to keep on mind that someone can spy on you and he can see what password that you type so dont type important psswords(such paypal pass)

sábado, 6 de marzo de 2010

about my hobies-bodybilding-8 things you must do to bild maximum muscle

1.Provide your body with a surplus of calories by ensuring that your caloric intake exceeds your caloric expenditure.
In order to build muscle, you must consume more calories than you burn!
This is a basic biological law of muscle growth, and if you fail to consume an adequate number of calories per day you will NOT build muscle, plain and simple.
The work that you perform in the gym is simply the “spark” that sets the muscle growth process into motion. However, the REAL magic takes place when you are out of the gym, resting and eating. This is when your body will use the nutrients that you consume to begin repairing your damaged muscles and increasing their size and strength in preparation for your next workout.
If you don’t provide your body with the raw materials needed to facilitate growth, this process simply cannot take place.
In order to provide your body with the calories necessary to fuel muscle growth and to keep your body in an anabolic, muscle-building state at all times, you should be consuming anywhere from 17-20x your bodyweight in calories every single day. So if you weigh 150 pounds…
150 x 17 = 2550
150 x 20 = 3000
…ThenYou should adjust this number based on…

a) Your Metabolic Rate – Are you naturally thin and have a hard time gaining weight? Or do you seem to put on body fat just by looking at food? Depending on your overall body type you can adjust the number higher or lower.

b) Your Activity Level – Do you play sports or work a physically strenuous job? If so, you’ll need to consume more calories in order to compensate. If you’re fairly sedentary and aren’t very physically active (besides your weight workouts of course), then you probably won’t need as many calories as someone who is more active.

c) Your Goals – Are you aiming to bulk up and build as much overall body mass as you possibly can? If so, you’ll obviously want to consume as many calories as you reasonably can. Are you simply trying to build a little bit of extra muscle and look better overall? If so, then a slight caloric increase is all you’ll need. Based on these 3 factors above you can decide where to place yourself on the caloric range.
Do NOT overlook this aspect of the muscle growth process!
Most trainees are so concerned with their workouts that they highly underestimate the importance of proper nutrition. If anything, nutrition is even MORE important than what you accomplish in the gym.
If you fail to eat properly by not providing your body with an adequate number of calories each day, building muscle will be physically impossible. you should be consuming anywhere from 2550-3000 daily in order to build muscle.

2.Consume the right types of calories from the proper food sources.

The 3 main food groups that you should be concerned with are…
a.High Quality Protein – Protein builds and repairs muscle tissue and is the most important nutrient for those trying to increase their lean mass. Stick to high quality, easily absorbed sources such as lean red meat, poultry, fish, eggs, skim milk, cottage cheese, peanuts/natural peanut butter and whey.
b.High Fiber, Low Glycemic Carbohydrates – Carbohydrates aid in the absorption of protein, provide your muscles and brain with energy throughout the day and also help to maintain an optimal hormonal environment within the body.
Stick to slow-release, low-glycemic sources that will provide you with a steady stream of sugars throughout the day such as oatmeal, yams, certain fruits, brown rice and whole wheat products.
c.healthy Unsaturated Fats – Not all fats will make you fat, and essential fatty acids fit that profile. EFA’s are highly beneficial to the muscle growth process by increasing testosterone levels, improving the metabolism and volumizing the muscle cells. Some good sources of EFA’s include fatty fish, nuts, seeds, avocados and liquids like flaxseed and olive oil.

more tips next day

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